Birth Control Masterclass
CourseThe masterclass is designed to support you before, during, and after quitting birth control, forever.
Hormonal Affair 🇮🇹 (in Italiano)
CourseIl corso online per riprendere il controllo della propria salute ormonale.
Hormonal Affair 🇬🇧 (in English)
CourseThe online course to take back control of your hormonal health.
Weekend Retreat in Rome
CourseIgnite your nourishment for beauty and community
I Love You, PERIOD. 🇮🇹 (in Italiano)
CourseIl tuo ciclo mestruale è un peso? è doloroso? PCOS, endometriosi, acne, ansia, depressione, unghie e capelli deboli, mal di testa, fibrosi, gas, cicli irregolari, sbalzi di umore? Impara ad ascoltare il tuo corpo e viverci in sintonia!
I Love You, PERIOD. 🇬🇧 (in English)
CourseDo you feel like your period is a hassle? Is it painful? PCOS, endometriosis, acne, anxiety, depression, weak nails and hair, headaches, fibrosis, bloating, irregular cycles, mood swings? Learn to listen to your body and live in tune with it!