There are a few agreements that are necessary before stepping on this path with me

  • You must be ready to take full responsibility for yourself and your experience

  • You must be ready to take care of the appointment dates, times and schedules

  • You must find a quiet time and place for the consultations

In consultation we work on:

  • mineral balance

  • hormonal balance

  • metabolic health and mitochondria

  • PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, acne, fibroids, adenomyosis

  • immune system and infections, mold, heavy metals, parasites

  • thyroid, adrenals, lymph, liver, gut and kidneys

  • HPV and cervix health

  • pre-conception, pregnancy and post-partum

  • eating disorders

  • German New Medicine

Your body is not disconnected and every system is deeply connected to each other:

that’s why when facing a hormonal imbalance, we always have to look at other systems that might have created it or perpetuated it.

The "ROOT CAUSE" approach is the only one that works 100% of the times

That's because we need to get deep into understanding the messages your body is trying to communicate to you and bring your hormones, metabolism, and whole body back to balance

What will the consultation consist in:

During these private 12 x 1-hour consultations, we’ll look at how your physical, and emotional states are affecting your health, hormones, metabolism and well-being & discuss practical tools for transformation.

From there I’ll create customized protocols each month, which include nutrition & lifestyle recommendations, supplement and herbal suggestions, plus recipes, and guidance to support you on your path to whole health.

If you have any recent blood tests or analyses done, great, but if you don't, don't worry, as they are not an essential requirement for my consultation.

*All Sessions are Remote (Google meet video call)

**1 year availability to book all the sessions


“THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart dearest Manuela! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for me, meeting you was the best thing that has happened to me in recent years and your teachings and example have literally changed my life. You are a blessing! I really hope to meet you in person sometime. Sending you a huge hug LOVE YOU VERY VERY MUCH!”


“I had been following Dr. Manuela for more than a year on instagram, when I decided, after a long day of pain, to start a 1:1 journey with her. It has been a wonderful journey, at the end of these months I feel I have the tools I needed to understand myself and my root problem, on which she worked competently, seriously and above all with love for her work and for the person in front of her. Consultations with her are an investment in your physical and mental health, because Dr. Manuela is much more than a professional who limits herself to the nutritional aspect, your weight, the numbers that a laboratory gives you, but listens to you and she understands you with patience and gentleness. And for the work she did for me, I will never stop thanking her.”


“Manuela is the sweetest, most professional and knowledgeable holistic coach you can have. I discovered her on Instagram where she shares some amazing, interesting and also funny information! Some months ago I was not feeling at my best - with my digestion, my skin, my stress - and decided to get Manuela’s help. I spent three months with Manuela and that honestly changed completely the way I “treat” myself especially regarding food. She helped me understand how food is fuel and how it actually can help with basically everything. I am now eating more and better than ever. Manuela also helped me mentally by giving me advices to regulate my stress levels and to work on my adrenals. I was 7 months post partum when we had our first meeting and was extremely sleep deprived. I was and still breastfeed a very active little girl so my energy levels were quite low. Thanks to Manuela’s teaching I am also able to recognize when my body is in alert and needs fuel. Finally she empowered me as a woman and made me realized what I have been through with my pregnancy, post partum and life in general. She told me that I was a “hero” and that word has stayed engraved in my heart. I really do wish to work again with Manuela in the future and if not I hope our path will meet one day! ”



  • What's your background?

    I've always been interested in hormonal health. Got my bachelor's in Food Science and Human Nutrition, then my Master's in Clinical Nutrition. Worked in Endocrinology Metabolism and Lipid Research at Washington University. Presented my work at international conferences like the American Diabetes Association and the American Association for Bone and Mineral Diseases. Then quit my job to address women's imbalances from a root cause approach and started my own Clinical Practice with "The Holistic Venus". Also got a specialization in Phytotherapy and Plant Medicine. But besides my titles, my real gift is my medicine. Who I am, my intuition and my own experience with health imbalances: I was told I'd be infertile since I had PCOS, but was able to reverse my symptoms and much more along with PMS, irregular cycles, thyroid, liver, gut, adrenals, depression, acne, autoimmune disorders and much more

  • Do you work with women internationally?

    In my Clinical Practice, I do work with women from all over the world. This enriches my practice, knowledge and joy

  • How do 1:1 consultations work?

    We meet on Zoom and we start talking. As easy as that. You can tell me why you are there to work with me and I'll ask you a thousand questions to understand your biology, metabolism, hormones and more

  • How often do we meet?

    We meet monthly. All consultations must happen within 1 year. Please keep in mind that the 12-month availability might not start as soon as you purchase the package, but depending on the agenda. If you have any timeframe in mind, send me a message first and I'll let you know when the first availability is (usually 2-6 weeks)

  • How can I take an appointment?

    After you purchase the consultation package you choose, you are automatically sent a link to book the 12 appointments according to my calendar availability

  • Do I need to have blood work done or will I need to get blood work done to work with you?

    Absolutely not. If you already have labs done, I'd be happy to look at them, but this is not a pre-requisite. I truly believe our body speaks way louder than any lab ever could.

  • Will you fix ...(insert symptom/s)...?

    I am not here to "fix" anything and I will never provide any quick fix. In fact, you're not broken: you just need to decipher your body's unique language and go deeper into the root causes. Working with me requires radical responsibility and trust into your own body's innate ability to balance.

  • Can I cancel my appointment if something comes up?

    Yes, you can change and cancel an appointment up to 3 days prior the appointment. After that, the appointment cannot be canceled and is considered done

  • What if I change my mind about working together?

    You need to be very clear on your readiness, availability and wish to work together as there is no possibility for refund. If you have any questions, ask beforehand. You need to take full radical responsibility for your experience.